Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Reaching the end of October..............................

So, I just got home from my incredible journey from Vancouver, Canada
I promise to write a post and upload bunch of pictures for sure ;)

and I couldn't thank enough to God that I'll be going to Sweden next summer for my clinical clerkship! I never thought once in my life that I'd pick a top notch-expensive-country, cos it's one of scandinavian country, but it's F-ing beautiful. What can I say? 

But my dad asked me why I didn't pick Germany or other "mainstream" western europe countries.
Here's the reason why 
  1. Apparently, Sweden is one of the best medical research and academic in Europe
  2. Sweden won't be that warm during summer and I HATE it when the sun is starting to burn my skin and the humidity just make me lazy to explore the city (this happened during our western europe trip especially in Italy)
  3. I want to explore the neighboring countries around sweden : Norway and Denmark! 
Anyways, I am thinking to start eating healthy cos I suck at picking the healthy and hearty choice of food (and I am a med student, duh!). Yup, I don't want to look bloat up during my graduation next 2017.

So, I'll see you later!