Senin, 27 Februari 2012
Growing from Coccon
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
Rabu, 15 Februari 2012
That Awkward Moment............
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Rabu, 08 Februari 2012
For you, sincerely, 10.000 miles worshipper
You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
You had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here
Now you over there?
Its hard not to stare,
The way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Never had a love
When you was just a young’un your looks but so precious
But now your grown up
So fly its like a blessing but you can’t have a man look at you for 5 seconds
Without you being insecure
You never credit yourself so when you got older
It’s seems like you came back 10 times over
Now you’re, sitting here, in this damn corner
Looking through all your thoughts and looking over your shoulder
See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here
Now you over there?
Its hard not to stare the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Had a love
You had a lot of dreams that transform to visions
The fact that you saw the world affected all your decisions
But it wasn’t your fault
Wasn’t in your intentions
You the one here talking to me
You don’t wanna listen
But I admire your poppin' bottles and dippin’
Just as much as you admire bar tending and stripping
Baby, so don’t be mad
Nobody else trippin'
You see a lot of crooks and the crooks still crooks
See You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
See I just want you to know
That you deserve the best
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
And I want you to know, you’re far from the usual
Far from the usual
You see you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in this corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
Piece of Writing : The American Dream
The American Dream
America, in the past, present and future, has been a dream place to be. As an exchange student, being in America for one year, is a prodigious experience. Many people come to this country, to earn new things, new hopes, in order to gain a better life. This also happens towards the immigrants around the world, whom has a willingness to move to America, to get betterment in many aspect of lives.
In my opinion, it is hard to move to somewhere than we have never been before. We might feel how harsh that place could be and insecure. But this immigrants is not giving up easily, they sailed in so many days, because many centuries ago, they have not build any planes, and carry their hopes into an effort to obtain equality of rights. In past decades, there are many immigrants from European countries. Dictatorship and Communisms are diffused in their countries, and they lost their civil rights. They start to think, how could we continue our life, our children's life, our grandchildren's life or even our generations, in a place that they are not even gain what they supposed to get ? This idea, triggers massive migration to America, and with a hope of a better future.
Life has not been that easy for the immigrants. They are faced by harsh condition, they start from zero. Lucky, if they could get a job easily, but at that time, there are only a few numbers of factory, but it is already dominated by settled-civilians. So, they decided to start a job from their house. Agriculture sector is the common thing for the immigrants have done. Many italian and french immigrants grow apples, grape, wheat, etc, either consumed by themselves or sold it. Besides job issues, in the past decades, racial become a public issue. African immigrants come to America, but they are admitted as a slave, when they migrate to north after civil war in order to get a better life, people are still unacceptable towards their existence, it is because, they get another competitiors for job, which on that time, it is so hard to get. That is the root of racialisms happening in the past. Many public signs are conditioned for white americans, but they have different signs for African American. If I were positioned on that time, I would have felt so much pressure. I start to think, this is the place where I believe I get equality, but why it is still the same.
It is still hard until now, how we could abolish those issues. Because the younger generation will get the effects of it. In school, students start to stereotype each other, in society, people start to black-sheeping each other. This is not the most comfortable thing, they are in the same country, they are in the same citizenship, then why they have to judging each other ?
At the end, although I never experienced such thing that I have mentioned in my arguments, I still believe that people move to america, although for temporary, they believe, this country will give so many beneficials, in terms of education, entertainment and a life scope.

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012
Last Team Dinner
Rabu, 01 Februari 2012
Setelah 31 Hari......
- Life is an adventure. Begitulah salah satu slogan iklan rokok ternama di Indonesia. Itulah yang bikin aku tertantang hidup ditempat yang completely different. Jalani hidup dan kegagalan bukanlah jaminan kalau kita bakalan mati di tempat. Sama seperti pas aku ganti hostfam, a piece of my heart uttered, " You're FAILED ! HA ! Go back to your country ! " Pffft, itu cuman omong kosong kalau kamu langsungmenyerah, pindah bukan berarti gagal. Coba deh diliat sisi positifnya, kamu bisa kenal lebih banyak orang, iya gak ?
- Udah mulai enjoy sama English III. Mungkin telat banget kalau baru suka sama English, tapi better than not at all, right ? Hmp, jujur ya ngeliat nilai anak anak exc stud yg ngambil English kok nilainya bagus bagus ya ? Haha, coba bersyukur dulu, Mith, akhirnya kamu bisa mencapai sesuatu yang tadinya kamu expect bakalan gagal. Yang penting sets a goal buat bulan ini dan lihat apa kamu bisa buat accomplished ? Jangan lihat orang lain dulu, coba, refleksiin ke diri sendiri,
- At least, bisa bikin temen temen ngakak. Bukan dilahirkan seseorang yang humoris sih, tapi seneng aja ngeliat wajah temen temen yang tadinya putih banget, tiba tiba langsung jadi pink gara2 gak kuat nahan ketawa. Itu jadi hiburan tersendiri, entah kenapa. On the other part of my heart uttered, " I can make a joke in English "
- Pity Procrastinator. Sekarang udah mulai belajar buat jadi organized people. Putting off something definitely drags someone become lazy, dan pengen berterimakasih banget sama School Agenda. Jujur banget, agenda itu SA-NGAT MEM-BAN-TU. Kesannya keren abis, kalau ada janji sama temen gitu langsung catet di Agenda, rather than just note down Homework, Quiz atau Test

- Mulai homesick. Bukan galau pengen pulang sih, malah kebalikannya, gak mau pulang, gak mau ninggalin keluarga dan temen temen disini. Semua orang ngasih kenangan tersendiri buat aku. Semua orang janji mau dateng ke Indonesia, dan aku janji di dalam hati kalau suatu hari nanti aku bakalan balik ke Amerika.
- Mulai Irit. Sejak ditolak independent travel ke NYC, entah kenapa jadi lebih irit. Hmm, mungkin gak ada korelasinya, tapi jujur pas november, pas lagi heboh hebohnya planning buat trip ke NYC, malah borosnya minta ampun, tapi sejak ditolak, entah kenapa jadi gak mood beli ini beli itu.
- Mulai sporty. Rada "goofy" sama point ini, tapi beneran, aku sadar, aku bukan sporty person, dan cenderung "cewek lemah". Agak dramatis sih, tapi aku aja disuruh angkat besi tanpa beban aja tangan ampe gemeteran saking gak kuatnya. Disuruh sit up pake 25 lbs beban juga suka ngeluh, pokoknya ngerasa semuanya gak bisa deh. Bangun bangun, badan linu semua. Darn you, sore body ! Tapi sekarang udah mulai kebiasa, dan ngerasa lebih seger eventually :D