Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Growing from Coccon

Dear Bloggy,
This is Mitha, oh I mean, the "blooming" Mitha typing to this blog. Today is the day, I have to start count the days left. Today is the day I have to value all of my days here, and reflects how I grateful I am. I'm thankful of what God given to me. Family and friends are great example how I don't want to leave them. Family builds a trust and secure to myself. They introduce a lot of new things to me. They got our back when we're troubled, eventhough we're not related biologically. Friends, introduce a social life, build peer understand, not just stereotypes.

Value is not how people give us a lot of pricy trust. Value is about accepting everything by saying grace to our God.

Life is never can be controlled. Life is always going through. Minutes, seconds, depends on how we treat life.

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