Selasa, 25 November 2014

Keseharianku ; Wisuda ; Skripsi

Aku bukan orang yang pinter nulis, tapi kadang seneng juga kalau bisa menuangkan semuanya ke dalan suatu tulisan. Miris ngeliat post terakhir sekitar 3 bulan yang lalu, padahal banyak banget yang mau aku ceritain di blog ini.

I'm pleased to announce that finally...........................IT'S RAINY SEASON Y ALL !
Cuacanya lebih adem, appetite untuk makan menurun karena males keluar kosan, hehe. Hasrat buat belajar entah kenapa malah meningkat, mungkin karena adem gitu kali ya jadinya otaknya ngga selemot biasanya ( Ngga ngerti ini ada hubungannya apa ngga, tapi kenyataannya begitu )

Anyways, aku udah menginjak tahun ke 2 dan bakalan sebentar lagi menuju semester 4 AAAHHH TIDAK ! Time flies so fast, doesn't it? Kakak kakak 2011 makin banyak yang pendadaran, makin banyak yang susah diminta buat ditentirin karena fokus sama skripsinya juga. Speaking of skripsi, gak nyangka juga sekarang aku bagian dari penelitian Kanker Thyroid sama 2 temen aku dan dr. Didik. Nah, nanti penelitian ini bakalan jadi skripsiku, seneng banget kan ? Udah agak lega ada dasar buat skripsiku nanti. Walaupun sebenernya aku super tertarik sama Ob-Gyn ( kedokteran kandungan ), tapi PA pun ngga masalah.

Salut banget sama diriku sendiri, soalnya semester ini sama sekali ngga balik ! Wo hooooo ! Habis ujian blok ngga kepikiran sama sekali buat balik ke Cilegon, walaupun sebenernya pengen banget balik, tapi ngga enak juga minta uang terus. Hmm, apa lagi ya? Sampai bingung sendiri apa yang mau diceritain......

Ada beberapa fokus yang lagi aku jalanin sekarang sih, selain penelitian, mau ngebagusin blok Abdominal Problems, persiapan seleksi Asdos dan World AIDS Day karena kebetulan aku jadi project officernya. Wish me luck ?


Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

Recap : Medschool 101


I hope I have continuous commitments to keep updating what's been happening in my life, in fact, I'm such a lazy potato who's been struggling to cherish and utilize the bliss of holiday, rather, complaining how boring my holiday is. We'll get that part later

I'd like to announce that I HAVE OFFICIALLY SURVIVED MY FIRST YEAR AT MEDICAL SCHOOL ! Wow. I did say that outloud, right after I have finished my Nerve System Make Up Test. I had three big exams before going back to Cilegon, you have no idea how tough to divide my time studying those, especially the biggest one : OSCE or the clinical examinations.

Upperclassmen have been talking this dreaded OSCE ( I forget what does it stand for ), which basically they'd provide 12 different stations that has different time allocations each and when the clock is ticking we have to move to the next station. What are we doing inside ? Well, we have the doctor who examined us, the simulated patient ( in indonesian we used to call it " probandus" ) and equipments. Basically, we'd know what we are gonna examine inside, cos there is this sign of what kind of examination that we'd perform, e.g. Neuro Station, so we'd probably have to perform biceps/triceps/patella/achilles or all of the reflexes that have been thought. After brief reading the scenario, we have to asses the patient's ID, medical history including allergy, medication, family history and so on, explain the performed examination, the risk and how we'll minimize the risk and ask for consent. Like real doctor, huh ? I'd say that Skills Lab is the practical session that I enjoyed the most. 

Doing an EKG procedure ! Nailed it :D

However, my one joyous-teary-fucking awesome year was not always about happy endings at the end of a block. As we know that Gadjah Mada's Medical Faculty applies block system so that everything are as order and really systemic. Each block we have numbers of lectures, suitable practical session from certain departments and skills lab. At the end of block, we'd have practical sessions exams and the GPA centered-exams : CBT or Computer Based Test. Normally, your CBT result would picturize your GPA cos it contributes 70/80% for your block GPA. How did I do it ? Fucked up. I couldn't find better word to describe it. I did nail 2 out of 6 blocks, but the rest of it ? Trashy. Luckily, I took some kind of remidiation CBT that could increase my block GPA until 3.5. Awesome right ? I did increase my fucked up-block's GPA until 3.5 but I swear to god no more remidiation for next year ( I hope it stays like what I say, Amen ).

Supplies for Anatomy Exams or so called : Tentamen 
What a bloody year. That's all I can say. I was struggling to divide my time between studying and socializing. I'm involved in CIMSA, a medical students' organization who focuses on youth awakening to improve nation's health. This organization really captured my eyes, it's just really exciting to be part of them. I went to three CIMSA's national meeting, in Malang, Solo and Semarang. After all, Malang offered me good times to cherish, since it was my first meeting. The social program was superb! We went to Bromo Mountain ( failed to see the sun rise though ) at 3 AM from Malang to the starting point. Then we took a jeep which drove us to the sun rise point, then we drove to the base of the mountain, and walked up to the crater. It was such an amazing view after all. There was this savanna, it was tranquiling, it blew away all the burdens in my shoulder. Then, we ate Bakso Malang and had this amazing view of mount bromo and mount batok. It couldnt get better.

I was really serious with CIMSA until I decided to apply to become one of the officials for the new period. I was Vice Local Coordinator for External's candidature, but lost to my friend which happened to be VLE candidate as well. She's great though, no wonder that she got more vote than mine. Devastated ? Yes. Cried ? Yes. Giving up? Nope. There are plenty ways to achieve in front of me!

So, my first year has been such ups and downs, I was grateful surrounded by people who love and hate me. It's making me stronger than ever. I got a lot of critisms that I have never gotten before, it was sad at first, but lately, I take it as a compliment. Thanks guys for the memory for my first year of medschool!

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014


Hoi Alle Maal !
I know it has been ages since I posted the recent post. So here I am ready to tell lots of story.

It's almost reaching the edge of the first semester, and it still contains lots of peer pressure. Yes, medical life is unpredictable, fierce, beyond of human thoughts ( this one sounds exaggerating yet true ) and excruciating. 
The first day of college I have already made a promise that I solely would balance my academic and social life yet I don't want to be upper hand on one of them. How do I encounter that ? 

Yet I'm still figuring out the way how to study effectively. Yesterday we had a session that I thought it had to be delivered in the very first block but it didnt - Management Distress. It was all about managing our mind, setting up the bar for our goals and how to manage our expectations upon something. It was actually quite something and knocked right on my face.

Selama ini emang aku salah banget bikin target, selalu aja targetnya berupa kuantitatif. Pingin nilai A lah, minimal B lah, alhasil kalo misalkan nilainya gak memenuhi target langsung cemberut, kesel sendiri, pitying myself intinya. Tapi kembali lagi, sebenernya aku ngerti gak sih materi ini tentang apa ? Gimana sih aplikasinya ? Apa lah arti value-oriented ini untuk dimasa yang akan datang ?
Yang kedua, kemarin aku belajar tentang prioritas. Di blok A.2 dan blok ini presentasi untuk Computer Based Test ( CBT ) terbilang cukup tinggi, yaitu 70% dan materinya rata rata dari Lecture semua. Sedangkan presentase untuk praktikum hanya 30 % dan dibagi bagi untuk Anatomi, Fisiologi, Histologi dan Biokimia. Sedikit kan ? Tapi aku lebih seneng belajar buat praktikum karna menurutku aku lebih banyak mengerti dari praktikum. Sebelum praktikum kita ada pre testnya, jadi dari semalem kita belajar dulu, yah semacam distimulasi lah otaknya. Salahnya disini, aku lebih mandang sebelah mata lecture yang padahal itu materi materi buat CBT yang presentase untuk nilai IPnya tinggi. Alhasil ? I MESSED UP BIG TIME.

Wah, ribet banget yah kayanya hidupku ? Don't worry, masih semangat kok aku jadi dokter. Walaupun gak mau munafik juga kalo IP juga penting, tapi yang penting aku udah berusaha semaksimal mungkin, aku bisa mraktekin semua examinations yang udah pernah diajarin, mulai dari Basic Locomotor Examination, sampai yang baru aja diajarin, yaitu Basic Life Support, dimana kita belajar buat melakukan CPR ( Cardiopulmonary Rescucitation ) di orang orang yang tiba tiba gak ada pulsasi di nadinya. Pokoknya seru banget ! Minggu depan juga angkatan 2013 yang Inter udah mulai OSCE mini. Finger crossed for all of us !

Terus selain belajar aku ngapain aja ?

I joined the PR committee for Medical Action Weeks 2013. It was such a great experience reminding that I had no organizational experience since middle school. I got to conduct the event as the MC for Fun Bike Event, University Try Out - TORTORA and vocal group night. Getting really productive outside academic life definitely my goal throughout my pre-clinical phase. I think it's a credit for a medical student to do things outside of their comfort zone and transform them to be more outstanding. 
Besides those, I also join CIMSA ( Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities ) and got to be in SCORA division. We will work in many projects, and the biggest one would be this February 2014 and I get to choose as the Event Coordinator. Life is so frigging good when you are working things that you are passionate about. I love anything related to Reproductive Health, since it is essentials to human life ( and biological need as well - just kidding, but true ).

Maaf ya kalau gak ada foto, lagi males uploading foto foto.
Talk to you later ! xoxo