Jumat, 10 Januari 2014


Hoi Alle Maal !
I know it has been ages since I posted the recent post. So here I am ready to tell lots of story.

It's almost reaching the edge of the first semester, and it still contains lots of peer pressure. Yes, medical life is unpredictable, fierce, beyond of human thoughts ( this one sounds exaggerating yet true ) and excruciating. 
The first day of college I have already made a promise that I solely would balance my academic and social life yet I don't want to be upper hand on one of them. How do I encounter that ? 

Yet I'm still figuring out the way how to study effectively. Yesterday we had a session that I thought it had to be delivered in the very first block but it didnt - Management Distress. It was all about managing our mind, setting up the bar for our goals and how to manage our expectations upon something. It was actually quite something and knocked right on my face.

Selama ini emang aku salah banget bikin target, selalu aja targetnya berupa kuantitatif. Pingin nilai A lah, minimal B lah, alhasil kalo misalkan nilainya gak memenuhi target langsung cemberut, kesel sendiri, pitying myself intinya. Tapi kembali lagi, sebenernya aku ngerti gak sih materi ini tentang apa ? Gimana sih aplikasinya ? Apa lah arti value-oriented ini untuk dimasa yang akan datang ?
Yang kedua, kemarin aku belajar tentang prioritas. Di blok A.2 dan blok ini presentasi untuk Computer Based Test ( CBT ) terbilang cukup tinggi, yaitu 70% dan materinya rata rata dari Lecture semua. Sedangkan presentase untuk praktikum hanya 30 % dan dibagi bagi untuk Anatomi, Fisiologi, Histologi dan Biokimia. Sedikit kan ? Tapi aku lebih seneng belajar buat praktikum karna menurutku aku lebih banyak mengerti dari praktikum. Sebelum praktikum kita ada pre testnya, jadi dari semalem kita belajar dulu, yah semacam distimulasi lah otaknya. Salahnya disini, aku lebih mandang sebelah mata lecture yang padahal itu materi materi buat CBT yang presentase untuk nilai IPnya tinggi. Alhasil ? I MESSED UP BIG TIME.

Wah, ribet banget yah kayanya hidupku ? Don't worry, masih semangat kok aku jadi dokter. Walaupun gak mau munafik juga kalo IP juga penting, tapi yang penting aku udah berusaha semaksimal mungkin, aku bisa mraktekin semua examinations yang udah pernah diajarin, mulai dari Basic Locomotor Examination, sampai yang baru aja diajarin, yaitu Basic Life Support, dimana kita belajar buat melakukan CPR ( Cardiopulmonary Rescucitation ) di orang orang yang tiba tiba gak ada pulsasi di nadinya. Pokoknya seru banget ! Minggu depan juga angkatan 2013 yang Inter udah mulai OSCE mini. Finger crossed for all of us !

Terus selain belajar aku ngapain aja ?

I joined the PR committee for Medical Action Weeks 2013. It was such a great experience reminding that I had no organizational experience since middle school. I got to conduct the event as the MC for Fun Bike Event, University Try Out - TORTORA and vocal group night. Getting really productive outside academic life definitely my goal throughout my pre-clinical phase. I think it's a credit for a medical student to do things outside of their comfort zone and transform them to be more outstanding. 
Besides those, I also join CIMSA ( Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities ) and got to be in SCORA division. We will work in many projects, and the biggest one would be this February 2014 and I get to choose as the Event Coordinator. Life is so frigging good when you are working things that you are passionate about. I love anything related to Reproductive Health, since it is essentials to human life ( and biological need as well - just kidding, but true ).

Maaf ya kalau gak ada foto, lagi males uploading foto foto.
Talk to you later ! xoxo

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