Jumat, 18 November 2011


" Tir, aku udah capek belajar literature disini, rasanya mau nyerah banget deh. I really want to get rid from that class for sure "

I had that conversation with my fellow AFS student who is hosted in Lake Stevens, Washington. Some of the time, people might just hid in their comfort zone, to abide the fearness of unsustain life.

" Mitha, kita cuman punya 3 bulan untuk adaptasi, kita harus manfaatin 3 bulan pertama kita semaksimal mungkin, termasuk getting used to Literature. Aku tau itu sulit, tapi kita harus berusaha, Mith. Masih mending kita pake Bahasa Inggris as our Primary Language, kalo yang di non-speaking english country gimana, Mith ?

Thank you Tiara Rachmaniar for Enlighten me, still, shallow and selfish I am. I'm starting to learn something wholeheartedly, no matter it's difficult or not :)

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