Hola Amigooooooos ! Como estas ? MUY BIEN !!!
Wahahaha, that's a piece of spanish, despite the fact that i'm not taking that class :( Huhu, that's too bad though. Anyway, this is the first post in English, and feeling kinda harsh when just had blogwalking to my AFS-YES'ers that already wrote everything in English !
So, i'm trying to comprehend my writing skills by posting to this bloggie (but still there's some in Indonesian thou )
I'm attending Marengo Community . It's the only one public school in Marengo ! So, lots of Marengo teens attend to this school, and Guess what ? There are 1000 students here !
GOTCHA ! This is my school anyway........

It was August 29th the first time I attended the school ! And it was excited yet nervous. I knew we would have moving class and locker, also WE HAVE THE RIGHTS TO CHOOSE OUR OWN CLASS ! Underline it people, CHOOSE OUR CLASS !
So, my Counselor is Mr. Rode, He is super hot-kind-always smile man ever ! He was totally kind counselor, and i'm lucky to have him for the rest of the months here in Marengo.
He said that i would be in Senior Year ! Yeaaaay, i would be having PROM ! and those gorgeous dresses
He also offered me the opportunity to take AP classes.
Let me explain you what's .
So, stands for Advance Placement. So, students in AP classes are having advance studies, which is very different with the usual class. It needs deeper analysis and logical thinking to solve most AP subject's quizzes. I personally, take AP Advance Biology and AP Calculus. We use college text book for AP classes, So, it's actually beneficial for us, because afer we were entering University/College, it wasn't that difficult for the materials, because we've already learned that at school.
Frankly, Mr. Rode was really impressed with my school's transcript, especially in English ! and he put me in English III class, which i really had no idea what it would be in America. Because in Indonesia, we learn English just like we learn other language, not deeply we learn with the grammatical analysis, reading American Literature, etc.
So, i just saying "ok" for all the way he put English III in my Subject List, which actually this is the beginning of my N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E
Yah lo sama aja deh belajar bahasa Indonesia di indonesia, jujur gue sangat teramat bego sama tuh pelajaran, hahahaha. Jadi jujur aja disini gue belajar literature tuh sangat struggling
And this is my Subject Lists !
Study Hall
American Government Class
US History
English III
AP Advance Biology
Health Occupation 1
AP Calculus
So, i'm gonna explain of each subjects,
So basically, for students who havent up to par to the school's passing grade for certain subject are strongly recommended to take study hall in a big classroom. Misalkan kita stuck di Algebra atau Calculus, di study hall ini bakalan ada peer tutor yang bakalan ngajarin kita di ruangan kelas yang lain. Tapi kalo kita gak ada kesulitan apa -apa ya stay aja di study hall, do whatever you want ! Finish your undone asses, listen to iPod, chewing gums, even sleep ! For me, this is my savior period ! Cs i always put off my asses ( assignment ) thou --"
American Government ( Mr. Fecarotta )
This is the most attractive class ever ! Haha. Why do i say so ? Because it is more like a debating class. Our teacher, Mr. Fecarotta gives us a motion of USA's current issues, and we are splitted into two group, which in this case, into two parties, democrat and republican. I'm in Democrat thou. We are taught of being logic of issues and also I'm learning a lot about american's cabinet, senate, house of representative and constitution ! Alhamdulillah banget, gaya ngajar Mr. Fecarotta asik abis ! Jadinya kemaren pas Quiz aku dapet A !
US History ( Mr. Meyer )
Definitely we learn about US History class, but the teacher is UBER FUNNY ! i got his picture anw from his twitter account ( stalker banget sih mith ! )

Btw his name is Mr. Meyer, dan kata aku sih dia ganteng dan masih SINGLE ! Underline it people ! S-I-N-G-L-E !
The way he teaches us is soooo much fun ! Kita belajar history lebih banyak entertainmentnya sih. Kayak kemaren kita main games yang ceritanya kita jadi president, terus banyak job disana sini, pokoknya simulasi how to be a good president lah. dari games ini, akhirnya aku ngerti gimana susahnya jadi president, apalagi di negara segede gaban kayak Amerika ini.
English III ( Mrs. Hoffmeister )
And here it isssssssssssss, my creepy subjects after all ! Kalo di indonesia mah kayak kita belajar " Bahasa Indonesia ". Di Indonesia, aku sih bener bener bego sama ini pelajaran. So, we read a plenty ancient American literature WHICH THIS IS SCREW ME UP ! A tons of conotations, multiple definitions and literal words. I also forgot to bring my oxford dictionary thou :(
AP Advance Biology ( Mr. Amendt )
This is my favorite class but not for the assignments ! Logical thinking is the main difference with studying Biology in Indonesia which just memorize those terms and scientific name. In this class, Mr. Amendt gives us the basic concept each chapter, until we really understand about that, he gives us a tricky questions which has to be done in a two pages of paper ! Parah banget, pertama aku dateng ke kelas ini udah kelabakan sama paper ! Berasa anak kuliahan banget udah bikin paper segala. But, it's just a matter of time, since i really love Biology sooo much, so i really get along with the class. Bahkan di chapter-chapter berikutnya banyak bab yang udah pernah diajarin di Indonesia ! Terus di kelas ini, banyak kimianya juga, jadi somehow bisa nginget-nginget pelajaran kelas 10,11,12 di Indonesia !
Health Occupation I ( Mrs. Shanks )
INI BARU THE BEST CLASS EVER ! cs I definitely want to be a doctor and Gynecologist for the specialist, this is the recommended class ever ! Here, we get the basic knowledge to be a medical practitioner, kayak how to measure our temperature, blood pressure, pulse sama respiration, dan bahkan kita dikasih stetoskop ! Seneeeng banget ! Sekilas sepele banget kan ngitung temperature, dan ternyata ada langkah-langkah yg sering medical practitioner lupa ! jadi worthed banget lah ikutan kelas ini :D
AP Calculus ( Mr. Mansfield )
Ini salah satu kelas paling hot ! Yeah ! We got the hottest teacher ever ! Bayangin aja umur 25 tahun udah nikah, pelajaran yang diajarin setingkat dosen tingkat 3 kuliah di Indonesia. Ah gak gak gak kuat banget deh kl diajarin beliau. He smells good also thou :p Btw, this is the book that i use for the entire year
and we also got "bloody" scientific calculator ! For me, sumpah gue katrok banget gak bisa makenya !

( that's mine ! Ada namanya tuh, Mitha Mulyowahyudi ! )
So, that's all for this post. Catchup later !
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