Jumat, 13 April 2012


It has been a pleasant month for April, yet, I have accomplished several goals that I promised to myself. Yes, this is the month that really emotional for me. I started to feel that everyone is important in my life, and  I still worry how do I say goodbye to them. Like how ? It's been confusing me. Most of my friends decided to take me somewhere before summer. Sounds good, right ? But then, I always look up on my calender, It's getting closer to the time I will back. Yesterday, Mom received a Mail from AFS Northern Illinois about my departure confirmation, well, it has decided that AFSers flight back to their countries is at June 26th, which is so pathetic, because it's one day before my birthday ! :(

I value my hostfamily more than anything, Mom has been a great mom, yet a teacher for me. And dad too  ! They have similarities with my Papa&Mama. Which sometimes, I kind of like speaking to my natural parents when I speak to them. Becky and Eric are awesome too ! We do like picking on each other, which shows that there is no more boundaries between us, because we know each other too well.

I don't know, sometimes I hate myself too bad. Sometimes, such thing like Facebook or Twitter, inhibits me to enjoy my days here, like I have ever decided to deactivate my facebook for a while starting at the beginning of April till I got home. But, it's going to be hard, since my natural parents are in facebook to know how am I doing here. I hate myself for being a procrastinator. Like making a presentation, I know that it could be done by less than one hour, but, I just put it off, and decided to watch How I Met Your Mother in the living room with Becky and Eric. Then on the next day, when my presentation is due, I just kill my time and work on my injury time, which is NEVER BEEN GOOD. The good thing, I still got A in my presentation and successfully presented in front of the class.

Ah, the bell will ring in couple minutes ! I'll keep posting soon :D

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