Kamis, 26 April 2012


See that picture ? Yes, It's Tulips ! It's blooming perfectly with stunning color and bumblebees everywhere.
It's just eye-catching, besides, I never seen Tulips since 11 years ago, also, it does not grow in Indonesia, unless in higher land, but too bad I live near coast.
Momma also grows her Tulips, it has a lot of vibrant colors, pink, purple, white, you name it ! She also gave me tulips for Easter too, how sweet she is :D Yes, I love my momma sooo much.
This is the reason why I love spring, besides, I don't have pollen allergies, I love flowers so much ! Too bad they don't have flower exhibition near Chicagoland. But it's ok, Flowers are now blooming at downtown Chicago and they are all excellent !
But still, I'm not ready for Summer yet, I just too-in-love with Spring :D

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